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  • Writer's pictureRay "Ordinary Dad" Magee

I'm Going to Court!

Updated: Oct 9, 2020

Yay, I’m going to court!

If you found my site, then you’re like me. A homeowner with a home warranty with Cinch Home Services. And just like me, you were cruising along with life and suddenly something major broke in your house. But you didn’t panic because you have a great home warranty with Cinch Home Services…or so you thought.

Hi, my name is Ray Magee. I am a loving father and devoted husband. I have 2 amazing kids and one on the way. The year 2020 has been strange to say the least but my family and I have survived it relatively unscathed. But even though we have been well, there are others who have lost their jobs, their homes, and their lives. And for that, my sincerest prayers go out to you.

If you wish to engage on this blog, I know you may have some anger to vent against Cinch. Trust me, I know. But please try to engage on this topic in a respectful manner. I don’t want to start this blog just to blast Cinch, but rather to understand the issue and try to help others. So, if anything you learn from this blog helps you in any way then I’ve met my objective.

My family and I survived this year, but we had a scare a few months ago. In the spring of this year our HVAC was on its last legs. I called my home warranty company, Cinch Home Services/HMS/Homesure of Virginia. They sent a service provider who diagnosed the problem. He said we have a couple of loose screws, tightened everything up, and left. Before he left he encouraged us to keep up with our regular maintenance. We called our local HVAC provider who came out 3 weeks later. Completely took apart our HVAC and pointed out problem after problem after problem. The analysis brought forward by our local HVAC provider explained the late night burning smells. Explained the loud banging by the unit. Also explained why the innards of our HVAC looked like they were ready to fail. In short, we needed to replace the entire system and pronto. So we did.

I then contacted Cinch Home Services to request reimbursement. They denied my claim. I asked repeatedly for weeks in regards as to why and it took months to receive a response. My wife and I talked it over for weeks. We didn’t want to rock the boat but we also felt that Cinch had sold us on their home warranty specifically in the case of our HVAC failing. So, after much discussion and prayer we decided to take our claim to our local Small Claims Court.

Now, here is where it gets interesting. Instead of calling me or my wife or try to have any meaningful dialogue, the company decided to hire a law firm to fight us in court.


So, here I am, Going to Court! I have an official trial date and I could not be more excited. My main experience with the court room is watching it on television. So I can finally get up close and personal with our legal justice system.

Hopefully this blog will be a great lessons learned for others and give people the courage and confidence to hold this and other home warranty companies accountable.

Thank you for visiting and stay tuned for more.

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תגובה אחת

27 במאי 2022

DON'T PURCHASE THIS "WARRANTY". After paying over $3,000.00 over the years, which was a good service when owned by Sears, I need a compressor, and they will not change it!! I've been without that refrigerator since Dec. 26, 2021. Detail that no-one would know is that they pass that repair off to Kenmore, who charges $500.00-$600.00 for labor. Who would pay 25% of the value of a new unit to repair it!! Cinch periodically informs you of the increasing value of your plan. I think that mine was up to $10,000 of coverage. What good is this if they won't repair it? If you are thinking of purchasing this product, DON'T!! If you have it already, CANCEL IT!!

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